- A -
A beautiful life
A beautiful prayer
A charge to keep I have
A child of the King
A hill called Mt. Calvary
A mighty fortress
A wonderful Savior
Abide with me
Abide with me; 'tis eventide
Above the bright blue
According to Thy gracious word
After the midnight
Again the Lord of light and life
Ah, holy Jesus!
Alas! And did my Savior bleed?
All creatures of our God and King
All for Jesus
All hail the power of Jesus' name (alternate tune)
All glory, laud and honor
All people that on earth do dwell
All praise to our redeeming Lord
All praise to Thee, my God, this night
All the way my Savior leads me
All things are ready
All things bright and beautiful
All things come of Thee
All things praise Thee
All things work together for good
All to Jesus I surrender
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus
Almost persuaded
Am I nearer to heaven today?
Am I a soldier of the cross? (alternate tunes)
Amazing grace!
An empty mansion
Angels are singing
Angels from the realm of glory
Angry words
Anywhere is home
Anywhere with Jesus
Are you coming to Jesus tonight?
Are you dwelling in the sunlight?
Are you washed in the blood?
Arise, my soul, arise
Arise! The Master calls
Art thou weary?
As the life of a flower
Asleep in Jesus
At Calvary
At even, when the sun was set
Awake, and sing the song
Awake, my soul, and with the sun
Awake, my soul, stretch every nerve
Awake, my soul, in joyful lays
Awake, my tongue, thy tribute bring
- B -
Be still, my soul
Be Thou my vision
Be with me, Lord
Beautiful isle of somewhere
Beautiful life, A
Beautiful prayer, A
Beautiful robes
Beauty for ashes
Because He lives
Before Jehovah's awful throne
Behold a Stranger at the door
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Beyond the sunset
Beyond the sunset's radiant glow
Beyond this land of parting
Blessed assurance
Blessed be the name
Blessed Redeemer
Blest be the dear, uniting love
Blest be the tie that binds
Bread of the world
Break Thou the bread of life
Breathe on me, Breath of God
Brief life is here our portion
Bring Christ your broken life
Bringing in the sheaves
Built on a Rock
Burdens are lifted at Calvary
Buried with Christ
By Christ redeemed, in Christ restored
- C -
Can He depend on you?
Can you count the stars?
Cast thy burden on the Lord
Charge to keep, A
Child of the King, A
Children of the heavenly Father
Christ is alive!
Christ is precious
Christ is the World's true Light
Christ for the world we sing
Christ returneth
Christ the Lord is risen today
Christ, Thou alone
Christ, we do all adore Thee
Christ's love is all I need
Close to Thee
Closer to Thee
Come, come, ye saints
Come, Holy Spirit, Guest divine
Come let us join our cheerful songs
Come, Thou Almighty King
Come, Thou long-expected Jesus
Come to Jesus
Come unto me
Come we that love the Lord
Come, ye disconsolate
Come, ye sinners (Greenville)
Come, ye sinners (I will arise)
Come, ye thankful people, come
Comfort, comfort ye my people
Consider the lilies of the field
Count your blessings
Crossing the bar
Crown Him with many crowns
- D -
Day by day
Day is dying in the west
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Did you think to pray?
Do all in the name of the Lord
Do you know my Jesus?
Does Jesus care?
Down in the valley
Dying with Jesus
Each step I take
Each step of the way
Early, my God, without delay
Encamped along the hills of light
Eternal Father, strong to save
Even me
Face to face
Fairest Lord Jesus
Faith is the victory
Faith of our fathers
Far and near
Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight
Farther along
Father and Friend
Father, hear the prayer we offer
Father, hear Thy children's call
Father of Mercies, day by day
Father of Mercy, we bow before Thee
Father, we praise Thee
Father, we thank Thee for the night
Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
Fear not, little flock
Free from the law
From every stormy wind
- G -
Give me the Bible
- H -
Hill called Mt. Calvary
- I -
It may be at morn
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
- M -
Mighty fortress, A
- S -
Sunset and evening star
- T -
Thou, my everlasting portion
- W -
Wonderful Savior, A
Wonderful peace
- People, Books, and other Special Topics -
Apocalypse now?
Bradbury, William B.
Calvin, John (1509-1564)
Christian Hymns 1889
Christian Hymns "No. 1" (Gospel Advocate, 1935) Part 1
Christian Hymns "No. 1" (Gospel Advocate, 1935) Part 2
Christian Hymns No. 2 (Gospel Advocate, 1948)
Christian Scholars Conference presentation
From every stormy wind
- G -
Give me the Bible
- H -
Hill called Mt. Calvary
- I -
It may be at morn
Lord, I hear of showers of blessing
- M -
Mighty fortress, A
- S -
Sunset and evening star
- T -
Thou, my everlasting portion
- W -
Wonderful Savior, A
Wonderful peace
- People, Books, and other Special Topics -
Apocalypse now?
Bradbury, William B.
Calvin, John (1509-1564)
Christian Hymns 1889
Christian Hymns "No. 1" (Gospel Advocate, 1935) Part 1
Christian Hymns "No. 1" (Gospel Advocate, 1935) Part 2
Christian Hymns No. 2 (Gospel Advocate, 1948)
Christian Scholars Conference presentation
Eureka Music Company (Stigler, Oklahoma & Mena, Arkansas)
Fanny Crosby and the "raptured soul"
Favorite Songs of the Church, no. 2
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries, Part 1
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries, Part 2
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 3
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 4
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 5
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 6
Grammer, Frank (1882-1949)
Hymn meters
Hymnals published by Firm Foundation
Fanny Crosby and the "raptured soul"
Favorite Songs of the Church, no. 2
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries, Part 1
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries, Part 2
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 3
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 4
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 5
Fruit of our lips: A cappella praise through the centuries. Part 6
Grammer, Frank (1882-1949)
Hymn meters
Hymnals published by Firm Foundation
Kirkpatrick, William James (1838-1921)
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
McGarvey, J. W. (1829-1911), "Hymns and hymn books" Part I
McGarvey, J. W. (1829-1911), "Hymns and hymn books" Part II
McGarvey, J. W. (1829-1911). "The study and selection of hymns"
Luther, Martin (1483-1546)
Mason, Lowell (1792-1872)
McGarvey, J. W. (1829-1911), "Hymns and hymn books" Part I
McGarvey, J. W. (1829-1911), "Hymns and hymn books" Part II
McGarvey, J. W. (1829-1911). "The study and selection of hymns"
Oslin, Stephen Jesse (1858-1928)
Pounds, Jessie Hunter Brown (1861-1921), "Concerning hymns"
Pounds, Jessie Hunter Brown (1861-1921), "Hymn surgery"
Pounds, Jessie Hunter Brown (1861-1921), "Concerning hymns"
Pounds, Jessie Hunter Brown (1861-1921), "Hymn surgery"
Slade, Mary Bridges Canedy (1826-1882)
Slater, Will W. (1885-1959)
Teddlie, Tillit S. (1885-1987), "We shall meet some day"
Teddlie, Tillit S. (1885-1987), List of works and review of topics
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley's advice on congregational singing
What We Sing (historical overview of hymnody in the Churches of Christ)
Whittle, Daniel W.
Slater, Will W. (1885-1959)
Teddlie, Tillit S. (1885-1987), "We shall meet some day"
Teddlie, Tillit S. (1885-1987), List of works and review of topics
Wesley, Charles (1707-1788)
Wesley's advice on congregational singing
What We Sing (historical overview of hymnody in the Churches of Christ)
Whittle, Daniel W.